Tuesday 1 October 2019

Week 1 summary

My focus this week was to complete the research, moodboard, concept, blockout, sculpt and retopology phase for the RARE  - props project.

The first step was to make a low poly blockout base for my models. I've chosen to 3d model a Hurdy Gurdy, a Blunderbuss and a Fish Skeleton. It was difficult to choose 3 assets that'll look good together in my final beauty shots which is why I've made composition thumbnails first:

Then I've moved on to 3ds Max to make my blockouts. In order to keep my scale consistent I've set the units to centimetres, made a few box "cages" to which I can refer to in terms of size, and finally, set up half-transparent planes with concept drawing elevations on them. Onto modelling!

Right off the bat I've noticed that there's some challenge to these concepts and space for my own interpretation as some of it is not accurate. For example, in the concepts, fish skeleton has a greater number of spine bones in the top view as opposed to side view. In industry environment I'd have to communicate with the artist/project leader but since the assets already exist in game, I referred to the finished products when making decisions.

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