Monday 30 September 2019

Gantt Chart

Following my 1st post, after analysing and choosing most beneficial briefs for me, it’s time for planning. Each brief has a recommended time span in which it should be completed which is a great hint for someone who’s planning them individually. I hope that by planning my objectives for each week I’m going to improve my project management skills. In addition, it’ll be a great industry practice and it’ll be easier to illustrate where I’m at with my projects with my tutors.

My favourite method of planning is by using a Gantt Chart. I know that studios use various methods and charts, but the foundation stays the same so it shouldn’t be an issue as long as it keeps me organised.

Organisation details for each of my chosen brief:

Prop brief – RARE
Deadline for feedback – Friday 18th October – 4pm

Character brief – Creature
Deadline for feedback – Friday 15th November – 4pm

Character brief – Helmet
Deadline for feedback – Friday 6th December – 4pm

Final submission: Monday Jan 6th by 4pm

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