Sunday 27 October 2019

Week 4 summary

Week 4 done.

I've finished my 3rd asset, the blunderbuss. I wanted to include this asset in my scene so that I have a variety of different material and surfaces. Blunderbass as opposed to the fish skeleton and a hurdy-gurdy has more structure and is mostly made of metal. It's not completely hard-surface though as it has to fit the games stylised look.

Firstly, I've done the Zbrush sculpt, mostly using polish and flattening brushes for the stylised feel.

Then I've moved on to re-topolising, unwrapping uv's and assigning colour id's for easier texturing process. I think this low-poly model turned out best so far and my bake turned out very clean.

However, it was not that good at first, I had to do a second take on the re-topology but it was worth it as I learnt a lot on cleaning up my low poly models.

Lastly, it was time to texture my model, I stuck to the given concept, matched roughness and metalness of my other assets as well as the instructions for Sea of Thieves asset materials.

Now that all my main pieces are done, it's time to arrange my Unreal Engine scene. I've made some new assets as the brief required making a simple setting. My idea as seen of concepts from week 1 was a corner of a table with cloth over it and walls in the back. To make it my scene more interesting I decided to model cloth, candles and add some posters on the walls.

This way I was able to experiment with cloth folds, fabric materials, lighting for the candles and procedural pipeline for the posters so that they don't take up much space in the scene.

Finally, I've set up my assets in the unreal scene to match my concept. I did make some changes based on the feedback I've received for my peers. I made the scene brighter and less 'spooky'. This made my scene fit the Sea of Thieves style better I think.

Unreal Engine screenshot:

Overpainted screenshot:

This is what I plan for my scene to look like when finished, as you can see I'm still missing the details for my setting and need to adjust sizing of my assets but that's not a high-importance task. Because I'm still catching up my projects I'll now move on to next project, the helmet-wearing character and finish this scene in free time on weekends.

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