Tuesday 29 October 2019

Week 5 Tuesday update

This week I'm focusing on my character. I firstly blocked in a simple character first and dyna meshed it. I didn't spend too much time on the base model as the character from the concept I'm working on has thick clothing so doing very detailed realistic muscle definition would be a waste of time especially considering that I'm about 1 week behind.

Below you can see my moodboard/notes.

I've firstly blocked out my silhouettes after extruding them off the human figure base model. I did my best to capture the curves and body shape of the character from concept drawing. She's on the thicker side, with large breasts accentuated even more by the thick outerwear and tight fitted in the waist vest. Since I can't see the full proportions of the character in the concept I had to eyeball them and make many decisions of my own. Character's hips look quite wide so my guess is she is supposed to have an hourglass figure so that's what I went with.

Below you can see how the character's jacket has changed so far, from the extruded base to where I am now. I still need to work on it so the forms don't look "doughy" but that's a lot of progress I'm happy with.

Below you can see my notes based on the feedback I received in the Tuesday session.

And here is the adjustments I made, there's still room for improvement but my model is already looking better!

Blockout of the helmet: At the end of the day I decided to start working on the helmet and blocked it out on my model. It's rough and not finished by any means but I thought I should document its progress often since it's the focus of the project. This will be very challenging as I have pretty much 0 experience with hard surface but have always wanted to learn more on that.

More to come this week!

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