Thursday 23 January 2020

Marmoset experiments - Finishing touches

I've finished this experimental piece by working on the overall presentation. I added make up to my character, adjusted the hair cards, added a turtleneck/scarf but also added some personality with a basic face expression. The main goal was to get better at marmoset and I think I've achieved that with this experiment.

This makes me feel more confident about my FMP and ready to move on to my project :)

Important things I've learnt with this piece:

- Break up hair cards into smaller strands and bake your own xgen hairs
- Bake the iris into eye mesh for a parallax effect
- Make it more convincing by adding a clear glossy mesh over the eye
- Group hair strands into different sections - scalp, long strands & strands blending hair with skin to avoid the visible clipping
- Ask for feedback when working with SSS as it's easy to make skin look like jelly.

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