Friday 22 November 2019

Week 7

This week I did the UV unwrap!

Firstly, I had to unwrap every object separately, and then merge them into 2 groups that I'm going to texture later. It was a pretty tedious process, but at least it was not that challenging for the most part. I always compare it to knitting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I had an issue as I had to choose between having all my assets that require a transparency map on 1 material and having no issues with the bake of my visor asset. I still need to re-think my placement too, but I don't have much time for that unfortunately so I might have to sacrifice something in the end. We'll see.

In my last project I got feedback that my UV islands are spaced too far apart and generally are not that good, this time I improved them by organising them by hand and fighting for every little pixel to increase the quality of my textures.

Here's where I am at the moment:

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