Wednesday 25 December 2019

Christmas update

I've fallen behind with the weekly posts but let's get this all organised again.

The goal is a submission of all my 3 projects on the 6th of January at 4pm

Remaining tasks to complete:

Sea of Thieves project:
- Procedural posters on the walls
- Cloth
- Render the scene

Helmet Character project:
- New boots retopo & bake
- Texturing
-Rendering scene

SO Character:
-Fix retopo (my poly count is too low)
-Rendering scene

Other: Catch up on blog posts & document improvement of projects, accordingly to given feedback.

At the time of writing this post there are around 2 weeks of holidays remaining so let's get to it :)

Plan for each day:

1: Complete drawings for each Sea of Thieves posters
2: Create a procedural material for my posters, model cloth and render the scene !
3: Retopo the helmet character & blockout textures
4: Texture the character
5: Rig
6: Render scene
7: Retopo SO character
8: UV's
9: Texturing
10: Texturing
11: Rendering

If there's time left in a day, start next day task, EZ

Here's a moodboard for the day 1 drawings
I really like the simplistic yet very fitting style of these symbols, they're visible on fabrics, crates, characters, everywhere! Therefore I want to keep this feel on the posters in the background of my SoT scene.